Sunday, January 30, 2011

THIS toothbrush is cool

Biodegradable toothbrush anyone? Check THIS out.

Heal tha Sick, Raise tha Dead

This logo is so fucking dope it almost makes me want to deprive my children of modern healthcare.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Get a Grip, Son

designboom & Italian manufacturer Columbo are hosting a door handle design competion.

Top three entries get € 3000 (that's euros stupid) and how hard can it be to design a door handle?

Pizza Hut
















Submissions are due by April 20th, 2011, but you're gonna be finished long before then...right?

for the full deets:

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Should I work for free?

For all those looking for an internship or work, should you work for free? Follow the link for a flowchart to help you decide! Not everyone may agree but I thought it gave some food for thought!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Core77 posted this video as an example of a perfect instructional video. I concur. I also think that the featured project is kind of neat and worth sharing. Enjoy!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Azure AZ Awards for Design Excellence

AZ AWARDS, is the first annual international competition from Azure celebrating excellence in design. It's an opportunity to present completed work of exceptional, innovative design that's also environmentally sustainable.

The categories:

Design: furniture, furniture systems, lighting, interior products

Architecture: residential, commercial & institutional, landscapes, temporary & demonstration spaces

Interiors: residential, commercial & institutional

Concepts: unbuilt competition entries, other unrealized concepts

A+ Award: students enrolled in a post-secondary design or architecture program are eligible for the $2,500 prize.

Submissions close March 1. To enter online or for more information visit

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Toboganning photos!

For those who missed us on Friday, CIDSA had a toboganning event at Mooney's bay. We all headed out in the afternoon with hot chocolate, marshmallows and tobogans (or something to slide on). The hill had questionable patches of green near the top, but was really icy wherever there was snowcover. I was surprised no one came with their own tobogan creation, but we had some people test cardboard and vinyl on the slopes. (Neither made it far) We also did a mini race/competition with all the toboganners but half of them wiped out within the first three meters.(probably out of nerves) Nonetheless it was exciting to watch!

Some things to remember from this night is...
1. Jennifer Bin can't steer
2. Thomas Lee can stuff a lot of marshmallows in his mouth
3. A wooden sled > a plastic sled > a plastic sheet.

uphill trek

FoongLing and Carmen - hill testing


Foong Ling, Jen, Carmen, and Lena before wiping out


ID Jogging Club

Hello, I'll be jogging on Tuesday @ around 5PM in the Fieldhouse. If you need any motivation to be more active...feel free to join and go at your own pace


Saturday, January 15, 2011

List of CU ID Internships

Hi all,

If you remember, at the portfolio seminar, I mentioned that you could always ask Val or a fourth year for a copy of the list of CU ID internships. Basically its a compiled list of all the internships that students in our Industrial Design program have done.

So if you need just a jump start on finding some companies to take you in over the summer, feel free to skim over it. But download it here first >>> LIST OF CU ID INTERNSHIPS.PDF

Good luck!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Grocery Shopping

I had some extra time so here's the good weekend sales if your fridge is looking empty...

At Loblaws and Hartmans

Wonderbread $2
Chicken 11.02lb $5
White mushrooms 227g $1
Pepsi/Coke 2L 2 for $5
Gay Lea Butter $3
Dole salad blend 2 for $5
Sour cream (no name) $1
Mr Cristie cookies 2.49
fish fillet 5.99
Kraft dinner 0.79

Cambells soup cans 0.99
Lays chips (large bag) 2 for $5
Selection chips 2 for $3
Tropicana orange juice carton 3 for $10
Seedless navel oranges $3.99
Clemintines in a crate $2.99
Frozen Pizza Delisio $3.99

Have fun...!

Some alternate universe where we don't need to take Linear Algebra

ModelMaking from Léo Collomb on Vimeo.

Snuggy's second cousin.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

ID Tobogganing

ILLUMINATION: lighting by design phootos

Hey, these are the only photos I had from the night. If you have any good ones, feel free to add it to this post, or make a new one with the same tag.

The illumination- Lighting by design exhibit was a lighting exhibit at Le Petit Mort showcasing lighting projects from ID students. For all those who came out that night, thanks for your support!

More after the jump!


Hey guys, gonna try to get people out to play shinny/ice hockey out by Brewer on Thursday around 4:30-5. Anyone can join just gonna have some fun, I'm sure the'll be other people there as well. If its too crowded Glebe High School might be the alternate. If anybody has any pucks, please bring some, I'm fresh out. See you out there!


F-Minus Call to Submissions


T. Jason Ham
Foong Ling Chen
Anthony Keeler


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Recently Read: Kathryn Moore - Overlooking the Visual

Moore, K. Overlooking the visual: Demystifying the art of design. (2010). Routledge: New York.
Carleton Library Call #: NK1505 .M66 2010 (Floor 3)

The full title is "Overlooking the Visual: Demystifying the Art of Design".


Some excerpts:

The crux of the problem is that an intractable rationalist paradigm dominates our thinking to such a degree we no longer give it much thought. ... Reinforced by a host of beliefs and suppositions it exiles materiality to a metaphysical wilderness where it languishes, separated from intelligence, safely hidden out of sight, out of mind. (p 6)

The fundamental dichotomy between body and mind enshrined in perceptual theories creates an insuperable quandary that endures within any aesthetic experience. Is the resonance of the experience created by the recognition of something perfect, an unchanging truth out there in the world, or by a frisson with innate, archetypal structures in mind, the subconscious, pre-conscious or some kind of universal knowledge embedded in our genes? (p 53)

"Overlooking the Visual" explains design teaching and practice particularly through landscape architecture, although the content applies to all facets of design. Moore posits that Western thought perpetuates several false dichotomies which limit the way we design: thinking vs seeing, intuitive vs rational, theory vs practice. These dualities are interpreted by society as rules to live by, rather than simply a "philosophical construct". Interesting, no? It wasn't quite clear to me how freeing ourselves of these dualities would improve design, so I was rather excited to read the rest of the text.

(More after the jump)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Robyn - We dance to the beat interactive

Robyn, (remmeber her?) has this interactive thing on her site where you can interact both visuals and sounds simultaneously and sync it to the music to create your own original 'beats'

It's a pretty neat concept to check out. Try it! >>

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Kwangho Lee (Artist)

Pretty sure Kwangho Lee the artist is different from Kwangho Lee the designer.

All featured works are oil on canvas. Photos from the Kukje Gallery in Seoul.

More after the jump

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

CIDSA general meeting

THURS 1230 3rd year studio or review room
feel free to come and join us : )

1. term 1 recap
2. janurary todo list
-welcome back event
-term workshops
-IDS rideshare
-canal skating
-ski trip
3. teeshirts update
4. year end dinner
5. consignment shop/ rummage sale
6. final notes/suggestions

Job searching searchers

click the image to jump to the search site

At, you can search the type of job your are looking for, and set filters such as experience, date posted, education, etc. is a job listing site for mainly Australia, New Zealand, and the UK. But you can search by type, keywords, salary, and location. is an online forum with job and internship postings, as well as links and chatter about other resourceful things you might be looking for. There's lots of interesting things to check out but if you are looking for the job postings, it is in the jobs and internship forum under the Education and Career section has a similar search style to but I am not sure if this includes Canada or covers the US only. You can search Industrial Designer and filter, by salary, type, location, etc is a popular website with a widely used job posting forum. You can filter by job categories and also check out other people's industrial design portfolios.

Happy hunting!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Portfolio seminar notes

Portfolio seminar notes (finally)


  • Show your process.
  • Show the final product.
  • Explain the context: cost, time frame, etc.
  • Have a hard copy available.
  • Have a beginning, middle and end.
  • Explain your thought process, and your creative problem solving.
  • Spell things properly.
  • Thank whoever reads your portfolio.
  • Display your contact information clearly.
  • Post your resume
  • Label your work, is it a cellphone or an mp3 player?
  • Have three copies of your PDF file: 1-3 Mb to post on your site, 4-5 higher quality in case they request it and your original.


  • Use fancy flash animations or very intricate menus.
  • Include details about a bad client.
  • Have music playing in the background.
  • Include weaker pieces.
  • Copy and paste school work.
  • Include personal fillers.
  • Don’t use thumbnails or “mystery thumbnails”.
  • Hide your contact information.

ID Athletics Club

Hey Everybody, hope you all had a good break.

Just wanted to let people know that I am organizing some casual athletic activities including:

Running club
and involved in other events such as a ski/snowboard trip!

I will be posting events from week to week and let people know when events are happening.
If you are interested send me a message or come by 4th year studio and let me know and I'll keep you in the loop, also up for suggestions.

Events to date

Shinny - Will happen as SOON as Brewer rink is frozen (have your stuff ready!)
Running club - THURSDAYS (5PM) - (run/jog/walk in the field house) I will try organizing once a week for now, try to find a good time for everyone.

Minh D