Wednesday, September 28, 2011

You know the drill!

Sept 28, 2011 CIDSA Minutes

Find connections for galleries in Ottawa for more tours
- Nature Museum
- Art Gallery (Linette?)
- Museum of Civilisation (Workshop, etc.)

Review Design Charette: went well, but not full attendance

Internship Talk:
Point to talk about for speakers?
Location: outside, Pit

Resin Casting: bring ...
Toy <3in (fit in plastic cup) or idea of what they’re making out of plasticine (able to make it fast)
Plasticine if you have it, or make toy beforehand
Avoid toys with small parts or extreme undercuts (example for 1st Yrs)

Give out pins for first years, other stuff for other years
One big raffle per sem for big gifts
CIDSA stickers!?