Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Easter! and Announcements!

Hello everyone! Thank you all for another great year at SID! I would just like to wish everyone a Happy Easter.

I think it's finally safe to say that everyone's exams are done, and we can put this year behind us!
I want to thank the CIDSA team for their dedication and commitment, especially Carmen Liu, Jason Ham, Foong Ling Chen, Lena Sitnikova, Linette Brown, Jennifer Bin, Justine SDC, Minh Dao, and Phil So.

As your president for the year 2011/2012, I'd like to introduce to you next year's line up:

VP Internal: Justine Sun de la Cruz
VP External: Emma Peat
VP Finance: Lena Sitnikova
VP Publicity: Jon Cairns
VP Social: Laura Vo

Photographer: Maya Prasasto
Blog Master:Remi Ogundokun

We'll be looking for year representatives in September, so please don't hesitate to get involved, we're constantly looking for more hands, so the more, the better!

Stay tuned for more info about exciting plans for next year and keep on blogging.

Have a great summer everyone!

<3 Michelle Zheng