For the next month, contributing to the blog gives you an opportunity to win prizes! We want to see your pictures, read your words, and watch your videos! Post about your projects, past or present, ask for feedback, or share information with your colleagues -- Content doesn't need to be original, link to things that have inspired you! Don't worry about being serious, or well spoken, just blogggggggg. To become a contributor, email with 'Blog Contributor' in the subject line, or
using our anonymous account. Username: / Password: Tropical 37
Can't wait to hear from you!
The rules:
-Each post you write counts as a single ballot in the prize raffle. The more posts, the higher your chances of winning
Five posts during the contest period earn you an awesome SID pin!
-Posts will not be evaluated for quality, but spam or disingenuine posts will be discounted
-If posting with the anonymous account, be sure to include your name